About this site
I’ve been online for a very long time. If you remember who Heather Armstrong was, and know what ‘Dooced’ means, then you’ll know I was never precious about the content. So over the years I’ve deleted things a good few times.
The early posts on this site are from my posts on LinkedIn. I’ve never been a fan of it, but felt sharing interesting links and commentary may be beneficial for somebody. Balancing out the Corporate vomit a little.
I think there’s a real need to control your own content in this day and age though. So I’ve resurrected the site, imported the content (painful) and here we are.
I’ll still post on LinkedIn but it’s likely that there will be longer form posts here.
The technical bit
Usually I run my sites using Wordpress. With only a small detour into Moveable Type and Typo (a Rails CMS). I don’t like what’s been going on in the Wordpress ecosystem - so didn’t want to use that anymore. Additionally it’s become quite complex now and takes far too much time securing it.
I did look at static site publishing. Hugo and Zola were both tools I looked at. I liked them, but as with a lot of FOSS it looked to become an ongoing hobby rather than just being a tool. The workflows looked painful.
I also looked at Ghost (ghost.org) but decided I didn’t want to manage databases and hosting. I have more interesting things to do. So this site is hosted on their service which just allows me to write.
Why not Substack? I don’t like the company they keep (by refusing to police it).
The Moral Bit

Artificial Intelligence has its uses. Especially things like Machine Learning. For the past couple of years Generative AI (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLM) have dominated the conversation.
Whilst they are undoubtedly clever and interesting bits of technology - they will not deliver on the promises certain people are making.
I really dislike how some companies are ignoring copyright. I really dislike how people are using them to fill gaps in knowledge or experience, and I'm really disliking how the internet will soon be filled with 'Slop'
This site and its content will never use GenAI. You will get my opinion on it, and it will be from my brain through my hands and keyboard to this site. Typos and all sometimes but I do try to check.