Another Big Short
Ed Zitron wrote a well researched, no-holds barred, non-technical opinion piece on the current state of AI.

And I tend to agree with it:
“If you stop saying things like “AI could do” or “AI will do,” you have to start asking what AI can do, and the answer is...not that much, and not much more in the future”
I’m still waiting to see reports of results of actual cost saving or revenue boosting projects. Not just vague “Saves time/more efficient” and then doing a scrap of paper calculation such as ‘15mins a day, earns this, x number of people, so result is this’.
Because that’s a pretty weak ROI calculation when you consider the overall costs.
Another example - Devin AI was announced with a demo back in March to lots of fanfare and calls for how it would be revolutionary for coding. Programmers would be replaced with everybody being able to code. However, here’s a pretty convincing rebuttal as to how that demo could have allegedly been faked
Critical thinking has never been more important than now. If you want another example of a separate industry where good, solid questions should have been asked and answered before the consequences hit - go and watch ‘The Big Short’.