Personal BCP
Occasionally I'll think about a personal BCP. I've never lost my phone - but if you have then you'll know why I'm thinking about it. I don't carry a wallet anymore. Everything is contactless. Money, train or flight tickets? All on the phone. I do have two phones though. One personal and the other personal/business. I also had to set up a new Windows laptop the other week (I normally use Macs) and I was having a substantial moan to myself about how many passwords I had to enter, how to get things to sync, and how long it was taking.
Then I had a moment of clarity and decided that setting up a new device as 'Me' being an utter pain in the arse...was a very, very good thing (professional brain educating personal brain there).
What's the point of this? Well I saw the proposals to update the 'Investigative Powers Act' and Apples comment. This, in conjunction with the 'Digital Rights Act' progressing means I'm all out of eye rolls. There's also no point in relying on 'Nobody is that silly' because apparently they can be. I could have commented on how this would stifle the Technology industry here, just when we don't need that - infosec, equivalency - blah, blah. Having an exceptionalist attitude won't help you in a Global economy.

But we probably still have a year of the last days of Rome left. So It's good to start with how would I cope personally if X or Y just goes away? That's when I realised those people who I can't convince to get off WhatsApp? I don't have their numbers anywhere else (no Meta cannot access my address book). So I'd better put them somewhere. Just in case.
When was the last time you thought about where your key information is and how you access it? Bet you're thinking about it now.