Protect your phone from thieves
This was an interesting article. I followed on Twitter the other week as Charlotte Morgan told of her phone and wallet being stolen from the gym and the thieves managed to siphon her bank account. It was confusing. Face ID, so how did that happen?? It’s happened to a few people as well in London.
TLDR: If you don’t have message previews turned OFF (unless the phone is unlocked) they can register your card on the banking app on their phone, and read the OTP (one time password) off your phone without unlocking it (depending on your bank - one of mine requires you do a video).
Sneaky, devious so and so’s. Obvious now
I hardly carry cards (Apple Pay on watch) but if you have a wallet style case with your cards in it as well…do check the above. Also ensuring you have a SIM PIN lock enabled is a good idea (to stop SIM swapping).
2FA is nice to have, but it’s really not the be all and end all #2FA #Security