More women for Tech's future
This is an important point. It was actually something we were discussing today during a UK IT Leaders weekly call.

How do we get more women involved? As a man, I’ll be honest I’m always unsure. It feels like a big problem, something that starts at school with STEM. But there’s also the here and now. I know it starts with trying to create an inclusive and supportive environment. Being mindful and listening. So if you are a woman who is an IT Leader then do take a look. Especially if you’re in the North (but I’m biased). This also includes Northern Ireland and Scotland (to be super clear).
This is also not about scale. You don’t have to be a Global CIO with thousands of employees. I’ve met leaders of very small organisations at dinners and we’ve had tremendous conversations where we’ve both learned something. It’s all similar problems no matter the scale.
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